NFL Injury Report

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Arizona Cardinals Team IconArizona Cardinals
Dalvin TomlinsonDTQuestionableKneeTomlinson is questionable with kneeJan 5
James ConnerRBOutKneeConner is out with kneeJan 1
Evan BrownOLQuestionableNeckBrown is questionable with neckDec 22
Sean Murphy-BuntingCBQuestionableHandMurphy-Bunting is questionable with handDec 22
Jalen ThompsonSQuestionableAnkleThompson is questionable with ankleDec 1
Jonah WilliamsOLQuestionableIllnessWilliams is questionable with illnessDec 15
Mack WilsonLBQuestionableAnkleWilson is questionable with ankleJan 5
Mykal WalkerOLBQuestionableIllnessWalker is questionable with illnessJan 19
Blake GillikinPOutFootGillikin is out with footDec 15
Baron BrowningOLBQuestionableNeckBrowning is questionable with neckDec 29
Simi FehokoWRQuestionableElbowFehoko is questionable with elbowJan 9
Joey BlountSOutRibsBlount is out with ribsDec 29
Paris JohnsonOLOutKneeJohnson is out with kneeDec 22
Michael WilsonWRQuestionableHamstringWilson is questionable with hamstringJan 3
Jammie RobinsonSDoubtfulKneeRobinson is doubtful with kneeNov 10
Dante StillsDEQuestionableBackStills is questionable with backDec 8
Emari DemercadoRBOutBackDemercado is out with backDec 15
Trey BensonRBOutAnkleBenson is out with ankleDec 31
Elijah JonesDBOutAnkleJones is out with ankleDec 8
Xavier ThomasDEQuestionableBackThomas is questionable with backNov 24
Atlanta Falcons Team IconAtlanta Falcons
Jamal AgnewWROutLegAgnew is out with legJan 3
Mike HughesCBQuestionableNeckHughes is questionable with neckDec 8
Darnell MooneyWROutShoulderMooney is out with shoulderJan 5
Ta'Quon GrahamDTOutPectoralGraham is out with pectoralNov 17
Troy AndersenLBOutKneeAndersen is out with kneeDec 15
Brandon DorlusDEQuestionableAbdomenDorlus is questionable with abdomenJan 5
JD BertrandLBQuestionableEyeBertrand is questionable with eyeJan 5
Jase McClellanRBOutKneeMcClellan is out with kneeDec 1
Baltimore Ravens Team IconBaltimore Ravens
Jalyn Armour-DavisCBOutHamstringArmour-Davis is out with hamstringDec 22
Zay FlowersWRDoubtfulKneeFlowers is doubtful with kneeJan 16
Buffalo Bills Team IconBuffalo Bills
Taylor RappSOutBackRapp is out with backJan 26
Darrynton EvansRBOutHamstringEvans is out with hamstringNov 2
Joshua PalmerWROutHeelPalmer is out with heelJan 9
Christian BenfordCBQuestionableConcussionBenford is questionable with concussionJan 26
Baylon SpectorLBOutCalfSpector is out with calfJan 26
Carolina Panthers Team IconCarolina Panthers
A'Shawn RobinsonDEQuestionableKneeRobinson is questionable with kneeDec 22
Taylor MotonTQuestionableKneeMoton is questionable with kneeJan 5
Josey JewellLBOutNeckJewell is out with neckDec 29
Robert HuntGQuestionableIllnessHunt is questionable with illnessDec 22
Damien LewisGQuestionableIllnessLewis is questionable with illnessDec 29
Dominique DafneyTEOutIRDafney is out with undisclosed Sep 1
Jaycee HornCBOutHipHorn is out with hipJan 5
Bobby BrownNTQuestionableShoulderBrown is questionable with shoulderJan 19
Chuba HubbardRBQuestionableRestHubbard is questionable with restJan 4
Patrick JonesOLBOutKneeJones is out with kneeJan 11
Amare BarnoOLBOutShoulderBarno is out with shoulderJan 5
DJ JohnsonOLBOutRestJohnson is out with restJan 5
Trevin WallaceLBOutShoulderWallace is out with shoulderDec 15
Chau Smith-WadeDBOutIllnessSmith-Wade is out with illnessDec 29
Chicago Bears Team IconChicago Bears
Ryan BatesOLOutConcussionBates is out with concussionNov 24
Travis HomerRBOutHamstringHomer is out with hamstringJan 5
Jaylon JohnsonDBQuestionableIllnessJohnson is questionable with illnessDec 22
Amen OgbongbemigaLBQuestionableHipOgbongbemiga is questionable with hipDec 29
Braxton JonesOLQuestionableConcussionJones is questionable with concussionDec 22
Doug KramerOLQuestionableShoulderKramer is questionable with shoulderDec 29
Elijah HicksDBOutAnkleHicks is out with ankleDec 29
Gervon DexterDEQuestionableKneeDexter is questionable with kneeDec 22
Kiran AmegadjieOLQuestionableCalfAmegadjie is questionable with calfNov 24
Cincinnati Bengals Team IconCincinnati Bengals
Drew SampleTEQuestionableGroinSample is questionable with groinJan 5
Tee HigginsWRQuestionableAnkleHiggins is questionable with ankleJan 4
Geno StoneSQuestionableIllnessStone is questionable with illnessDec 29
Joseph OssaiDEQuestionableIllnessOssai is questionable with illnessDec 29
T.J. SlatonDEQuestionableAnkleSlaton is questionable with ankleJan 10
Cam Taylor-BrittCBQuestionableAnkleTaylor-Britt is questionable with ankleJan 5
Chase BrownRBOutAnkleBrown is out with ankleJan 4
Charlie JonesWRQuestionableGroinJones is questionable with groinDec 8
Amarius MimsOLQuestionableAnkleMims is questionable with ankleDec 29
Jermaine BurtonWROutRestBurton is out with restJan 5
Cleveland Browns Team IconCleveland Browns
Joel BitonioGQuestionableBackBitonio is questionable with backDec 15
Jordan HicksLBOutConcussionHicks is out with concussionJan 5
David NjokuTEOutKneeNjoku is out with kneeDec 27
Ogbo OkoronkwoDEQuestionableKneeOkoronkwo is questionable with kneeJan 5
Denzel WardCBOutShoulderWard is out with shoulderJan 5
Joe Tryon-ShoyinkaDEQuestionableAnkleTryon-Shoyinka is questionable with ankleDec 15
Teven JenkinsGOutCalfJenkins is out with calfDec 29
Jeremiah Owusu-KoramoahLBOutNeckOwusu-Koramoah is out with neckNov 3
Pierre StrongRBOutConcussionStrong is out with concussionJan 3
Jerome FordRBOutAnkleFord is out with ankleJan 2
Michael WoodsWRQuestionableKneeWoods is questionable with kneeJan 5
Cedric TillmanWROutConcussionTillman is out with concussionDec 27
Cameron MitchellCBQuestionableKneeMitchell is questionable with kneeJan 5
Blake WhiteheartTEQuestionableKneeWhiteheart is questionable with kneeJan 5
Mike HallDTQuestionableKneeHall is questionable with kneeDec 15
Myles HardenDBQuestionableTibiaHarden is questionable with tibiaDec 15
Dallas Cowboys Team IconDallas Cowboys
C.J. GoodwinCBQuestionableHamstringGoodwin is questionable with hamstringDec 15
Solomon ThomasDEQuestionableKneeThomas is questionable with kneeNov 17
Donovan WilsonSQuestionableKneeWilson is questionable with kneeDec 29
Kemon HallCBOutHamstringHall is out with hamstringDec 29
Kenneth MurrayMLBQuestionableHamstringMurray is questionable with hamstringDec 22
CeeDee LambWROutShoulderLamb is out with shoulderDec 26
Trevon DiggsCBOutKneeDiggs is out with kneeDec 15
Payton TurnerDEQuestionableAnkleTurner is questionable with ankleJan 5
Buddy JohnsonLBQuestionableIllnessJohnson is questionable with illnessDec 15
Markquese BellSOutShoulderBell is out with shoulderNov 24
Mazi SmithDTQuestionablePelvisSmith is questionable with pelvisJan 5
DeMarvion OvershownLBOutKneeOvershown is out with kneeDec 15
Asim RichardsOLQuestionableAnkleRichards is questionable with ankleDec 29
John StephensTEOutKneeStephens is out with kneeOct 27
Denver Broncos Team IconDenver Broncos
Evan EngramTEOutShoulderEngram is out with shoulderDec 13
Dre GreenlawLBOutCalfGreenlaw is out with calfDec 29
Luke WattenbergCQuestionableAnkleWattenberg is questionable with ankleNov 10
Delarrin Turner-YellSOutKneeTurner-Yell is out with kneeNov 3
Tyler BadieRBQuestionableBackBadie is questionable with backJan 10
Drew SandersLBOutAchillesSanders is out with achillesNov 10
Frank CrumTOutIllnessCrum is out with illnessJan 10
Detroit Lions Team IconDetroit Lions
Pat O'ConnorDEOutCalfO'Connor is out with calfJan 19
Alex AnzaloneLBQuestionableArmAnzalone is questionable with armJan 5
Craig ReynoldsRBQuestionableBackReynolds is questionable with backJan 3
Roy LopezDTQuestionableAnkleLopez is questionable with ankleDec 15
Brian BranchDBQuestionableCalfBranch is questionable with calfDec 22
Brodric MartinDEOutKneeMartin is out with kneeNov 3
Ennis RakestrawDBOutHamstringRakestraw is out with hamstringNov 24
Green Bay Packers Team IconGreen Bay Packers
Jaire AlexanderCBOutKneeAlexander is out with kneeDec 29
Mecole HardmanWROutKneeHardman is out with kneeJan 3
Aaron BanksGOutKneeBanks is out with kneeDec 29
Nate HobbsCBQuestionableIllnessHobbs is questionable with illnessJan 5
Zayne AndersonSOutConcussionAnderson is out with concussionJan 10
Quay WalkerLBQuestionableAnkleWalker is questionable with ankleJan 10
Christian WatsonWROutKneeWatson is out with kneeJan 7
Brenton CoxDEQuestionableFootCox is questionable with footJan 10
Jordan MorganOLOutShoulderMorgan is out with shoulderNov 17
MarShawn LloydRBOutHamstringLloyd is out with hamstringSep 17
Ty'Ron HopperLBQuestionableAnkleHopper is questionable with ankleDec 29
Evan WilliamsDBQuestionableQuadWilliams is questionable with quadJan 10
Houston Texans Team IconHouston Texans
Sheldon RankinsDTOutIllnessRankins is out with illnessDec 1
Joe MixonRBQuestionableAnkleMixon is questionable with ankleJan 24
Christian KirkWROutCollarboneKirk is out with collarboneOct 29
Azeez Al-ShaairLBQuestionableKneeAl-Shaair is questionable with kneeJan 19
Casey ToohillDEQuestionableRibsToohill is questionable with ribsDec 15
John MetchieWRQuestionableShoulderMetchie is questionable with shoulderJan 18
Christian HarrisLBQuestionableAnkleHarris is questionable with ankleJan 9
Tank DellWROutKneeDell is out with kneeDec 24
Jamal HillLBQuestionableKneeHill is questionable with kneeDec 15
Indianapolis Colts Team IconIndianapolis Colts
Braden SmithTOutPersonalSmith is out with personalDec 1
Charvarius WardCBQuestionableRestWard is questionable with restDec 29
Matt GayKQuestionableNeckGay is questionable with neckDec 22
Cameron McGroneLBQuestionableElbowMcGrone is questionable with elbowOct 27
Anthony RichardsonQBOutHipAnthony Richardson downgraded to out Week 17.Dec 28
JuJu BrentsCBQuestionableKneeBrents is questionable with kneeJan 5
Jaylon CarliesDBQuestionableKneeCarlies is questionable with kneeDec 22
Spencer ShraderKOutHamstringShrader is out with hamstringDec 1
Jacksonville Jaguars Team IconJacksonville Jaguars
Logan CookePQuestionableKneeCooke is questionable with kneeDec 8
Josh Hines-AllenDEOutPersonalHines-Allen is out with personalJan 5
Patrick MekariOLQuestionableIllnessMekari is questionable with illnessJan 5
Chuma EdogaGQuestionableToeEdoga is questionable with toeDec 29
Andrew WingardSQuestionableKneeWingard is questionable with kneeNov 10
Gabe DavisWROutKneeDavis is out with kneeNov 26
Ross MatiscikLSQuestionableHamstringMatiscik is questionable with hamstringDec 8
Trevor LawrenceQBOutHeadTrevor Lawrence placed on injured reserve. Mac Jones will start.Dec 4
Walker LittleOLOutAnkleLittle is out with ankleDec 29
Tyson CampbellCBQuestionableThighCampbell is questionable with thighDec 8
Yasir AbdullahLBQuestionableHamstringAbdullah is questionable with hamstringDec 8
Ventrell MillerLBQuestionableAnkleMiller is questionable with ankleJan 5
Maason SmithDTQuestionableAnkleSmith is questionable with ankleNov 17
Keilan RobinsonRBQuestionableToeRobinson is questionable with toeNov 10
Kansas City Chiefs Team IconKansas City Chiefs
Skyy MooreWRDoubtfulAbdomenMoore is doubtful with abdomenFeb 7
Rashee RiceWROutLegRice is out with legOct 1
Cam JonesLBQuestionableIllnessJones is questionable with illnessDec 1
Jared WileyTEOutKneeWiley is out with kneeNov 2
Las Vegas Raiders Team IconLas Vegas Raiders
Adam ButlerDTQuestionableConcussionButler is questionable with concussionDec 15
Alex CappaGQuestionableConcussionCappa is questionable with concussionDec 22
Maxx CrosbyDEOutAnkleCrosby is out with ankleDec 15
Lonnie JohnsonSOutShoulderJohnson is out with shoulderJan 5
Jordan MeredithGQuestionableAnkleMeredith is questionable with ankleJan 5
Zamir WhiteRBOutQuadWhite is out with quadDec 6
Sincere McCormickRBOutAnkleMcCormick is out with ankleDec 17
Sam WebbCBQuestionableBackWebb is questionable with backDec 22
Los Angeles Chargers Team IconLos Angeles Chargers
Denzel PerrymanLBQuestionableGroinPerryman is questionable with groinJan 9
Trey PipkinsTQuestionableObliquePipkins is questionable with obliqueJan 9
Jalen ReagorWROutFingerReagor is out with fingerDec 15
Alohi GilmanSQuestionableHamstringGilman is questionable with hamstringJan 5
Elijah MoldenCBQuestionableKneeMolden is questionable with kneeDec 29
Naquan JonesDTQuestionableElbowJones is questionable with elbowDec 8
Ja'Sir TaylorDBDoubtfulObliqueTaylor is doubtful with obliqueJan 9
Deane LeonardDBQuestionableHamstringLeonard is questionable with hamstringNov 17
Quentin JohnstonWRQuestionableThighJohnston is questionable with thighJan 17
Junior ColsonLBQuestionableAnkleColson is questionable with ankleDec 8
Brenden RiceWROutShoulderRice is out with shoulderNov 3
Los Angeles Rams Team IconLos Angeles Rams
Ahkello WitherspoonCBQuestionableThighWitherspoon is questionable with thighJan 19
Larrell MurchisonDEOutFootMurchison is out with footJan 19
Alaric JacksonOLQuestionableChestJackson is questionable with chestJan 19
Byron YoungOLBQuestionableKneeYoung is questionable with kneeNov 17
Nick HamptonOLBQuestionableTricepsHampton is questionable with tricepsDec 1
Jared VerseDEQuestionableAnkleVerse is questionable with ankleDec 8
Blake CorumRBOutArmCorum is out with armJan 7
Tyler DavisDTQuestionableCalfDavis is questionable with calfDec 15
Beaux LimmerOLQuestionableKneeLimmer is questionable with kneeDec 15
KT LevestonOLOutAnkleLeveston is out with ankleNov 24
Justin DedichOLQuestionableIllnessDedich is questionable with illnessJan 19
Josh WallaceDBQuestionableHipWallace is questionable with hipNov 17
Miami Dolphins Team IconMiami Dolphins
Terron ArmsteadTQuestionableKneeArmstead is questionable with kneeDec 22
Tyreek HillWRQuestionableWristHill is questionable with wristJan 3
Artie BurnsCBDoubtfulToeBurns is doubtful with toeDec 15
Bradley ChubbLBQuestionableKneeChubb is questionable with kneeDec 8
Tua TagovailoaQBDoubtfulHipTagovailoa is doubtful with hipJan 4
Austin JacksonOLOutKneeJackson is out with kneeNov 10
Willie GayLBQuestionableShoulderGay is questionable with shoulderJan 5
Blake FergusonLSOutRestFerguson is out with restDec 22
Jaylen WaddleWRQuestionableKneeWaddle is questionable with kneeDec 31
Dee EskridgeWRQuestionableKneeEskridge is questionable with kneeDec 29
Ifeatu MelifonwuSQuestionableHandMelifonwu is questionable with handDec 22
K.J. BrittLBQuestionableAnkleBritt is questionable with ankleDec 29
Cameron GoodeLBQuestionableKneeGoode is questionable with kneeDec 8
Kader KohouCBQuestionableBackKohou is questionable with backDec 8
Minnesota Vikings Team IconMinnesota Vikings
Andrew DePaolaLSQuestionableHandDePaola is questionable with handDec 8
Jordan MasonRBOutAnkleMason is out with ankleDec 3
Leroy WatsonTQuestionableBackWatson is questionable with backDec 8
Ivan PaceLBQuestionableHamstringPace is questionable with hamstringDec 29
Will ReichardKQuestionableQuadReichard is questionable with quadDec 8
Gabriel MurphyOLBOutKneeMurphy is out with kneeNov 10
Taki TaimaniDEOutAnkleTaimani is out with ankleJan 13
New England Patriots Team IconNew England Patriots
Morgan MosesTQuestionableKneeMoses is questionable with kneeDec 29
Hunter HenryTEOutFootHenry is out with footJan 5
Jabrill PeppersSOutHamstringPeppers is out with hamstringJan 5
Kyle DuggerSQuestionableAnkleDugger is questionable with ankleJan 4
Anfernee JenningsLBQuestionableKneeJennings is questionable with kneeDec 29
Cole StrangeGQuestionableKneeStrange is questionable with kneeJan 4
Marcus JonesCBOutHipJones is out with hipDec 22
Jack GibbensLBOutAnkleGibbens is out with ankleNov 24
Ben BrownCOutConcussionBrown is out with concussionDec 29
Christian GonzalezCBOutConcussionGonzalez is out with concussionJan 5
Alex AustinCBQuestionableAnkleAustin is questionable with ankleNov 17
Titus LeoLBQuestionableAnkleLeo is questionable with ankleDec 29
Jaquelin RoyDTOutFootRoy is out with footDec 15
Ja'Lynn PolkWROutShoulderPolk is out with shoulderJan 3
New Orleans Saints Team IconNew Orleans Saints
Derek CarrQBOutHandCarr is out with handDec 15
Alvin KamaraRBDoubtfulGroinKamara is doubtful with groinJan 5
Taysom HillTEOutKneeHill is out with kneeDec 3
Nathan ShepherdDTQuestionableEyeShepherd is questionable with eyeDec 29
Isaac YiadomCBQuestionablePelvisYiadom is questionable with pelvisJan 5
J.T. GrayDBQuestionableBackGray is questionable with backNov 10
Erik McCoyCOutElbowMcCoy is out with elbowDec 29
Pete WernerLBOutConcussionWerner is out with concussionJan 5
Chris OlaveWROutConcussionOlave is out with concussionJan 4
D'Marco JacksonLBOutAnkleJackson is out with ankleDec 15
John RidgewayDTQuestionableObliqueRidgeway is questionable with obliqueNov 10
Nephi SewellLBQuestionableKneeSewell is questionable with kneeNov 3
Rashid ShaheedWROutKneeShaheed is out with kneeOct 20
Kendre MillerRBDoubtfulConcussionMiller is doubtful with concussionDec 31
Nick SaldiveriOLOutKneeSaldiveri is out with kneeDec 8
Bub MeansWROutAnkleMeans is out with ankleDec 6
Rico PaytonCBQuestionableBackPayton is questionable with backNov 10
New York Giants Team IconNew York Giants
Graham GanoKQuestionableHamstringGano is questionable with hamstringNov 10
Austin SchlottmannOLQuestionableKneeSchlottmann is questionable with kneeDec 15
Bobby OkerekeLBOutBackOkereke is out with backDec 8
Demetrius Flannigan-FowlesLBDoubtfulCalfFlannigan-Fowles is doubtful with calfJan 5
Jon RunyanGOutAnkleRunyan is out with ankleDec 15
Jevon HollandSQuestionableWristHolland is questionable with wristJan 5
Victor DimukejeOLBQuestionableEyeDimukeje is questionable with eyeJan 5
Evan NealTOutRibsNeal is out with ribsJan 5
Micah McFaddenLBOutNeckMcFadden is out with neckDec 29
D.J. DavidsonDEDoubtfulShoulderDavidson is doubtful with shoulderDec 8
Raheem LayneSOutKneeLayne is out with kneeDec 29
Deonte BanksCBQuestionableRibsBanks is questionable with ribsDec 15
John Michael SchmitzCOutAnkleSchmitz is out with ankleDec 29
Dyontae JohnsonLBQuestionableAnkleJohnson is questionable with ankleDec 8
Theo JohnsonTEOutFootJohnson is out with footDec 3
New York Jets Team IconNew York Jets
Zack BaileyOLOutBackBailey is out with backDec 13
Quinnen WilliamsDEQuestionableHamstringWilliams is questionable with hamstringDec 22
Alijah Vera-TuckerGQuestionableAnkleVera-Tucker is questionable with ankleJan 5
Kene NwangwuRBOutHandNwangwu is out with handDec 15
Michael CarterCBQuestionableBackCarter is questionable with backDec 29
Sauce GardnerCBOutHamstringGardner is out with hamstringJan 5
Tony AdamsSQuestionableAnkleAdams is questionable with ankleDec 29
Braiden McGregorDEQuestionableAnkleMcGregor is questionable with ankleDec 29
Philadelphia Eagles Team IconPhiladelphia Eagles
Azeez OjulariOLBOutToeOjulari is out with toeDec 1
Patrick JohnsonOLBOutKneeJohnson is out with kneeDec 22
Sydney BrownSQuestionableConcussionBrown is questionable with concussionDec 22
Byron YoungDTOutHamstringYoung is out with hamstringJan 10
Ben VanSumerenFBOutKneeVanSumeren is out with kneeDec 1
Trevor KeeganOLOutIllnessKeegan is out with illnessJan 10
Pittsburgh Steelers Team IconPittsburgh Steelers
Montravius AdamsDTQuestionableKneeAdams is questionable with kneeDec 15
Cole HolcombLBOutKneeHolcomb is out with kneeJan 9
Juan ThornhillSQuestionableCalfThornhill is questionable with calfDec 8
Esezi OtomewoDEQuestionableCalfOtomewo is questionable with calfOct 27
Dylan CookTOutFootCook is out with footOct 29
Roman WilsonWROutHamstringWilson is out with hamstringJan 9
Mason McCormickOLQuestionableHandMcCormick is questionable with handJan 9
Logan LeeDEOutCalfLee is out with calfJan 9
San Francisco 49ers Team IconSan Francisco 49ers
Trent WilliamsTOutAnkleWilliams is out with ankleDec 1
Christian McCaffreyRBOutKneeMcCaffrey is out with kneeDec 3
George KittleTEQuestionableAnkleKittle is questionable with ankleJan 3
George OdumSOutKneeOdum is out with kneeDec 8
Kevin GivensDEQuestionableGroinGivens is questionable with groinDec 1
Mitch WishnowskyPOutBackWishnowsky is out with backNov 17
Brandon AiyukWROutLegAiyuk is out with legOct 22
Colton McKivitzOLQuestionableKneeMcKivitz is questionable with kneeDec 29
Ben BartchOLOutAnkleBartch is out with ankleDec 15
Deommodore LenoirDBOutShoulderLenoir is out with shoulderJan 5
Spencer BurfordOLOutCalfBurford is out with calfDec 29
Brock PurdyQBOutElbowPurdy is out with elbowDec 31
Ji'Ayir BrownSQuestionableAnkleBrown is questionable with ankleDec 29
Robert BealDEOutAnkleBeal is out with ankleDec 29
Darrell LuterCBDoubtfulPelvisLuter is doubtful with pelvisNov 17
Renardo GreenDBQuestionableNeckGreen is questionable with neckDec 1
Seattle Seahawks Team IconSeattle Seahawks
Kenneth WalkerRBOutAnkleWalker is out with ankleDec 26
Abraham LucasTOutAbdomenLucas is out with abdomenJan 5
Josh JobeCBOutKneeJobe is out with kneeJan 5
Mike MorrisDEQuestionableAnkleMorris is questionable with ankleOct 27
Jerrick ReedFSOutQuadReed is out with quadDec 15
Cameron YoungNTOutKneeYoung is out with kneeNov 2
Brandon PiliNTOutIllnessPili is out with illnessJan 5
Byron MurphyDEQuestionableBackMurphy is questionable with backJan 5
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Team IconTampa Bay Buccaneers
Anthony WalkerLBOutKneeWalker is out with kneeDec 29
Chris GodwinWROutFootGodwin is out with footOct 22
Jamel DeanCBQuestionableKneeDean is questionable with kneeJan 10
Antoine WinfieldSQuestionableKneeWinfield is questionable with kneeJan 10
Logan HallDEQuestionableGroinHall is questionable with groinJan 10
Evan DeckersLSQuestionableHamstringDeckers is questionable with hamstringNov 10
Markees WattsOLBOutKneeWatts is out with kneeDec 1
Kameron JohnsonWRQuestionableAnkleJohnson is questionable with ankleDec 29
Tennessee Titans Team IconTennessee Titans
Kevin ZeitlerGOutHamstringZeitler is out with hamstringJan 19
Arden KeyOLBOutHandKey is out with handJan 5
Amani HookerSOutShoulderHooker is out with shoulderDec 29
L'Jarius SneedCBOutQuadSneed is out with quadOct 29
Treylon BurksWROutKneeBurks is out with kneeOct 18
Logan BrussCOutKneeBruss is out with kneeDec 8
Andrew RupcichOLOutTricepsRupcich is out with tricepsNov 3
Tyjae SpearsRBOutConcussionSpears is out with concussionJan 5
Colton DowellWROutKneeDowell is out with kneeDec 22
Jaelyn DuncanTOutShoulderDuncan is out with shoulderJan 5
Otis ReeseLBOutAnkleReese is out with ankleDec 29
Cedric GrayLBOutShoulderGray is out with shoulderOct 31
Jarvis BrownleeDBQuestionableHipBrownlee is questionable with hipDec 8
James WilliamsSQuestionableKneeWilliams is questionable with kneeDec 8
Washington Commanders Team IconWashington Commanders
Marcus MariotaQBQuestionablePersonalMariota is questionable with personalDec 29
Tyler OttLSQuestionableIllnessOtt is questionable with illnessNov 10
Nick BelloreLBQuestionableKneeBellore is questionable with kneeNov 24
Noah BrownWROutKneeBrown is out with kneeDec 11
Daron PayneDTOutKneePayne is out with kneeJan 26
Will HarrisCBQuestionableHamstringHarris is questionable with hamstringNov 10
Deebo SamuelWROutRibsSamuel is out with ribsJan 3
Sam CosmiGOutKneeCosmi is out with kneeJan 26
Jordan MageeLBOutHamstringMagee is out with hamstringJan 19
Javontae Jean-BaptisteDEQuestionableShoulderJean-Baptiste is questionable with shoulderJan 26
Tyler OwensSOutAnkleOwens is out with ankleDec 29
Colson YankoffTEQuestionableHamstringYankoff is questionable with hamstringJan 19

2021-22 Season, Super Bowl

It is always a good idea to review a team’s injury report before placing a wager on a game. Missing players can significantly impact a team’s ability to win games or cover a spread. Key injuries can also be a signal to bettors to wager against that particular team in a given week. Be sure to keep a close eye on the Action Network’s NFL Injury Report with daily updates.

NFL Key Injuries

Cincinnati Bengals

  • C.J. Uzomah - Uzomah left the AFC Championship game against the Kansas City Chiefs with a groin injury. He’s been limited at practice leading up to the Super Bowl, but he is expected to play a limited role still for the Bengals.

Los Angeles Rams

  • Tyler Higbee - Higbee was officially downgraded to the Injured Reserve after suffering a knee injury in the NFC Championship game. He will not be available for the Super Bowl
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